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Five reasons to invest in a huddle space

Five reasons to invest in a huddle space

Huddle rooms are transforming business culture as quickly as they are transforming the business environment. Huddle rooms not only help employees collaborate remotely, but they are also proven to help businesses recruit new talent.

Still not convinced? recently provided five additional reasons to invest in a huddle room. 

1) Huddle rooms are safe intimate spaces. Offices environments are often chaotic and noisy. Huddle rooms offer a sanctuary where meetings can happen and focus can be had. 

2) Huddle rooms bring remote employees into the office. Huddle rooms allow internal and external employees to collaborate. 

3) Huddle rooms make use of dead space and open offices. Huddle rooms are designed for 2 to 6 employees to meet...the right size for most unused office. 

4) Huddle rooms eliminate the corporate hierarchy. Huddle rooms employ adhoc scheduling, meaning any employee can leverage the space without a reservation. 

5) Huddle rooms inspire flexibility and productivity. Huddle rooms allow for collaboration, and collaboration is where ideas and inspiration happen. 

The complete article is available online

A list of popular huddle room technology solutions is also available online

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