Employees lose two working days a year thanks to late meetings

If worldwide meetings are anything like Europe, employees are losing over 19 hours per year in lost productivity due to late starting meetings, as reported by Barco.
Of the 1,000 professionals surveyed, 59% attend meetings a few times a week with an average late start time of 6 minutes. Worse yet, technology issues are the leading cause of delays.
According to Barco: "Amongst the biggest challenges for employees globally were sharing content and screens, and finding the right cables to connect to in-room devices. In trying to deal with tech problems, staff are wasting significant amounts of their valuable time: 66% try to fix problems themselves, 50% call IT/tech support, 29% end up giving up with the tech and going to their plan B. 15% even postpone meetings until technology problems can be fixed."
Barco's complete report in PDF format is available online.