Classroom technology transports students to Chernobyl

Chernobyl isn't on the top of most people's vacation list, and it certainly isn't the best place to bring children; however, it is a great place to educate on nature, energy, sociology, history and a variety of other subjects....and frankly, it can be downright fascinating.
We've long heralded the benefits of classroom technology and its positive effects on learning, and thanks to Google students can visit remote (and potentially dangerous) places like Chernobyl without leaving the classroom.
Google's immersive virtual reality Expeditions app was recently debuted to around 400 students at Watford Boys Grammar School, who remotely traveled across the world with nothing more than the app, a cardboard viewer, and a wifi-enabled tablet.
Lead teacher Julian Carrera found that "Google Expeditions is developing a reputation as a world class resource for virtual reality reaching, which is perfect for our enthusiastic Year 7s and Year 8s. The teachers had control of the expeditions and could direct the students to points of interest in a range of different scenes."
Whether leveraging virtual reality or traditional projectors, interactive whiteboards or displays, classroom technology continues to engage in the classroom at a level previously unavailable.
This complete article is available online from the Watford Observer.